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Season's Greetings, ((clientname))

We at Seven Beaufort want to thank you for the awesome projects and trust in the past year. It's been truly great to work with you and your amazing people.

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Together, we brought Patient Support Programs to the next level

  • PSPs expanded to new channels, featuring the PEx web portal, email and text messages
  • We introduced LINK-PSP in three new areas: Germany, BII and Japan
  • Showcased all of this to PEx leads, countries and managers in a demo session

Our first steps were made in the redesign of the Level 0

  • A first, upgraded design of the level 0 was built
  • Challenging the overall patient experience through the different PEx Levels by facilitating interesting discussions
  • We found synergies within UCB in the collaboration with patient ambassadors, AVID and the internal UX team
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Providing more support towards countries

  • Together, we created the UCBCares EU Patient Solution Framework
  • Initiated the PSP Launch guide to lower the threshold for countries to set up a PSP
  • The training sessions and supporting materials for LINK-PSP got a full makeover, gaining a lot of appreciation from its users

And who knows what 2024 will add to this amazing list?


Aurélie Ghislain

Management Consultant

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Jef Geluykens

Management Consultant

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Kristof Van Olmen

Management Consultant